Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Its been one of those days

So I try to leave work there, but today was one of those days, I actually came home and had a drink. It is a crunch time for me (its planning season-- Fall 08) and I had to rework a lot of it today. In addition my team was told we were on one track and got derailed today by the finance dept -- I hate when things get political. We are smart people and can run our own businesses.

Anyway that is my vent for the day.

1 comment:

ThatBeeGirl said...

it MUST'VE been one of those days if you're posting at 11 at night! you know what you need? shoe shopping. it's good for what ails ya. especially when you come down to the south bay and visit with your good friends lis, bee and jewels and hang. :)